Each project is a journey together with my clients.
Arriving at a known through unknown thoughts and ideas. A wonderful process!
The design process followed by Rupal is almost similar in each project, but each time the end result is completely different and unique. They are creative and functional and at the same time the clients can recognize themselves with.
Rupal has developed books, websites, posters, flyers and other promotional and informative material for my ventures. Each time she surprises me, by translating my visions and ideas in designs exactly the way I can imagine.
Rupal has designed my company house style and website : rijklevencoaching.nl and I am very Proud of it! Many people have congratulated me on my website. She has also designed visiting cards and a brochure for my company. They look really nice and it reflects my personality. It was a pleasure to work with Rupal.
Whitepoint has not only redesigned managementmodellensite.nl website but also restructured and copied the database. The Logo and icons for the website were developed. Based on this website: two more website www.reflectiesite.nl and www.praktijkcaseveranderen.nl were also developed giving all three site a common identity.
Rupal is het creatieve brein achter mijn website www.vanrosmalenhr.nl. Als startende ondernemer heeft zij mij destijds geholpen met het opschrijven van de identiteit van mijn bedrijf en de keuzes met betrekking tot grafische vormgeving. Vanaf start tot het einde is zij intensief betrokken. Ook de snelheid van Rupal (als dingen even moeten worden aangepast) is erg fijn. Na 3 jaar ben ik nog steeds meer dan tevreden met de website. Dank Rupal voor de ontzorging.
Rupal made the layout for the manual for our car-dealers and it has become a very professional document and we were very excited about the layouts and work delivered by her. Rupal delivers very high quality and is capable to handle each assignment.